Sunday, July 12, 2009

ادينا بندردش ورانا ايه :)

والنيل بيضحك و يغني و فاكرني و بيسأل عني ارحلو الاه مستني و جنب منو احسن ناس
اسكندريه احسن ناس عالبحر ماشيه تتمختر من سيدي بشر لابو العباس ايوووووه ياعالم علمنظر :)

Saturday, July 11, 2009


Live ur life in away that when ur feet hit the floor in the morning ........
Satan shudders & says : Ohhh Shit,... she's awake :D

Marriage & Sexual desire

Why we get married ?? is it for satisfying our sexual desires ??? is it just a tradition we follow ??? if God made a lot of limitations & warning on our sexual desires why did he made it combined with all that pleasure it give ????

for me & according to my Islamic believes
i think Marriage & having sex are Totally separated Desires that God created inside us & they are not related to each other, but one may lead to the other , Just like eating & drinking they are totally different desires but one may lead to the other.

a man can have a desire towards a girl but he never want to marry her.

in west we find that they can freely have sex & although they " guy and girl" already live together in the same place & having totally shared life But u find them thinking about Marriage !!!!

so its not about Sexual stuff or even living together or any of this " ITS ABOUT DESIRE INSIDE US " to get married & we want to satisfy it in spite of all its hard responsibilities !!!!!!

so WHY ,Allah made these two desires inside us ???

lets first talk about Marriage:

" The goal of marriage is to create tenderness between two individuals and satisfy the very basic human need for companionship
Allah wants us to have families " good & tight families " who satisfy the cause of Creation "Which is to make the earth better place & to be Allah's followers " khalyfa" on it & to have that kind of ppl "a productive member of society " u should have good family to raise them on that & this family wont be created if we dont have MARRIAGE DESIRE.

so Now why Sex& Sexual pleasure ??
having Children & raising them is soo hard & tired preocess for both parents so Allah made them a result of so pleasent & pleasurable process & he made it a seriuos &insistent desire inside us.

Finally Why that restrictions about the sexual desire " if the point is just related to children & having them so i can have many sextual relations & hv more children & stuff " No the restriction have many sides beside being pure, to respect our bodies & Some of the negative results of sex outside of marriage like the potential for unwanted pregnancies, transmission of sexually transmitted diseases, disruption of the family and marriage (in cases of adultery)

BUT the most important is emotional and psychological difficulties resulting from the lack of commitment associated with most relationships outside of marriage " which we cant build AFAMILY ON " . there is a very important point which is OUR Feelings as we have a very important realted desires which are " SAFITY , STABILITY & LOVE " :)