Sunday, February 13, 2011

The great Egyptian revolution :)

Barack Obama: We must educate our children to become like the Egyptian young people.

Prime minister of Italy: There is nothing new in what happened in Egypt, the Egyptians are making history as usual

Austrian President Heinz Fischer: The people of Egypt's greatest peoples of the earth and deserves the Nobel Peace Prize

CNN: for the first time we see the people of the revolution and then clean the streets after

Thursday, January 20, 2011

عندما لا تحتقر المذاهب الدينية أو الطوائف داخل ديانتك، فأنت تدرك أن الله ليس ملكك ومن حق الجميع أن يختار الطريق المناسب له

When you do not despise the religious sects or cults within your religion, you realize that God is not ONLY yours and everyone HAS the right to choose thier way for him