Saturday, August 8, 2009

Domes,pyramids, Devil,ARRIVALS blah blah blah

Ohh really, Controlling energy,pillars octagon,Domes,pyramids, Devil,ARRIVALS blah blah blah, hey wake up ppl dont make Conspiracy theory ur new religion, They claim they protect us from being mind controlled while they control our minds by these stuff oh sham on this.

hey Muslims look at the Quran where did it say that some kind of energy stuff will open the stars gate & then the Anti christ will come ohhhh astghfero Allah al 3azem. u can find this conspiracy in the Zionists protocols too, conspiracy is old like the earth age & its not about religion only but its also in the individual in our daily life in material stuff not only spiritual stuff. But i cant make my whole life & my main Faith is that am in conspiracy. am not talk about that am talkn about this Arrivals Movie , Do u really believe that some kind of energy stuff will open the stars gate & then the Anti christ will come ??

Do u believe the Quran said stuff like that ???

do u believe that they build pyramids & shapes to control my energy so that the control my mind ????? & do u think the Mosque or Chrush energy is coming from its pillars octagon& Domes shapes ???!! Ohhh sorry i cant agree & i think those guys who made the movie will know how ignorant they are if the set with professionals not Controlling the minds of normal ppl

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