Friday, May 28, 2010

i Already hv u, far or near i do

i hv u baby

ya i do

in real or in dream i dont care i just kno i hv u
i love u
i want u
i want to hv ur baby
just like u
i want to wake u up on sweet kiss
& at nite ... its something u wont want to miss :)
i love u baby & i hv you
weather u with me by body or soul
i hv u all
wether u hurt me or hate me
i hv u all

i know i can make ur day awesome

& ur nite as a dream

i know wat i can do

i can make ur life is life

i can make ur reality is a dream

i can make ur dreams come real

there is alot i can do

& nothing stop me except u

i love u baby , i love u & i ALREADY hv u :)

:( yes i did

On my way to search for the truth ........ i BECAME a lie


This has a better eyes , better hair & better kiss
BUT this other one i really miss

i love this blonde & this other brown grl
BUT when i see this wheaty damn am so on a spell

with every new grl i think this is my desired cake
lil weeks after i relized this is not EXACTLY what i seek

am not a lier ..... i just hv a diferrent technique
not my falut am different & need someone unique

i hv seen so many faces... from different places ... and all races
BUT still cant define my choose bases.......

so DONT judge my actions... Only see my intentions


You will never rest
coz u always seek the best
not knowing that it dose not exist

but yet you still search
for the best diamond that you will never reach
Bcoz each girl.........
is uniquePearl
i knew...... i knew

your love is taboo

though .....

i let it grow

with my hands i draw ....... ur love story each line & row

i thought it will put me in prow

i thought it will make me crow

but the truth it turned me blue

it made the strong wind in my life blew

& my heart bleeded from love arrow

why did u come to my life & why will you go ??????

i dont know , i want to know but wont try to

i will just try to let it go

bcoz now u r just shadow

mystrious story with no clue

Sinked treasure in my heart will never flow

so pls my heart let him go .... go.... go....

Thursday, May 27, 2010


When I get born,I'm BlackWhen
I grow up,I'm black
When I lie in the sun,I'm black
When I'm cold,I'm Black
When I'm scared,I'm Black
When I'm sick,I'm Black
And when I die,I'm still Black!
And you,white guy
When you get born,you are Pink
When you grow up,you are White
When you lie in the sun,you are red
When you are cold,you are Blue
When you are scared,you are Yellow
When you are sick,you are Green
And when you die,you are Grey!
And you call me COLORED man?!?!?
You rainbow man!!!!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

wall between us

you built zat wall & made it strongeri have 2 admit , u r a good builderrealizing zat fact make me no smarterit just make my life harder ur wall became so rigid .u are a great builder

من 82 سنه

كتب السفير الراحل صلاح شعراوي في مجلة الدبلوماسي التي تصدر عن وزارة الخارجيه ان نجيب مليكه باشا كان اقدم لواء في الجيش و كانت التقاليد المتبعه ان اقدم لواء في الجيش هو الذي يحمل كسوه الكعبه المشرفه ثم يسلمه الي امير الحج و لم يجد النحاس باشا رئيس الوزراء وقتئذ اي غضاضه في ان يتولي اللواء مليكه القبطي هذه المهمه مادام اقدم لواء في الجيشمن 82 سنه كنا اكثر تحضر
ااحمد رجب " نص كلمه"

Monday, May 24, 2010


Whenyou attack black people, they call it racism. When you attack Jewishpeople, they call it anti-semetism. When you attack women, they call itsexism. When you attack homosexuality, they call it intolerance. Whenyou attack your country, they call it treason. When you attack a...religious sect, they call it hate speech. But when you attack the Prophet peace be upon him, they want to call it freedom of speech!

taken from one of my friends called Hani