Monday, December 27, 2010

Was Ikhnaton Muslim ???!!!!!

Ikhnaton is known as the pervert or the misleaded king , the one who refused all the pagan mulitible Gods and religion of the ancient eyptians and united them in one God, the god of the Sun & the creator of it , who refused all the priests and took off their power , the one who refused to be God , stopped ppl from putting their faces on the sand when they see him.......

he believed in one and only god , some believe he was prophet , some believe he is Ibraham the father of prophets , some believe he was David the prophet as what he left of songs for God so much like David's one ...... but in all cases all believe he was a muslim ....he believed and surrendered to one God, and gave it all grace, he prohibited the any plural name for the God......some said he was gay due to his feminian look although he lived happily married with three daughters but at the end and as any other thoughtful powerful man poisonly died and the priests damaged all his work and history to make ppl forget him.

Reading about this man was great thing i did specially reading those magical stories about him. :)

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